Yellow Haze, also known as “Yellow Lemon Haze,” is a sativa dominant hybrid strain (70% sativa/30% indica) created through crossing the delicious Lemon Skunk X Super Silver Haze strains. Named for its delicious flavor and gorgeous appearance, Yellow Haze is the perfect choice for any sativa lover. This bud has a sweet and sour citrusy lemon flavor with hints of spicy peppery flowers and fresh woods. The aroma is very similar, with a citrusy skunky overtone accented by spicy black pepper and flowery woods. The Yellow Haze high will hit you almost as soon as you exhale, rushing through your mind with a high-flying energy that’s accompanied by a boost in creativity. Even with this lift, your mind will remain in a state of calm, filled with happiness and focus that helps you get to work.
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